Saturday, November 17, 2007

The all important first post..

If the old saying is true and a picture is indeed worth a thousand words, this first post to the AdiMade blog is going to be worth 0.00245 pictures (give or take a few contractions).

I wanted to get something up here to kick things off and in the wise words of Edward Kavalee "sizzle it up" so here is a brief explanation of why this page exists on the interweb.

About 12 months ago, 2 guys were sitting in a back yard in suburban Melbourne, Australia discussing the shortfalls of television advertising. They came up with what they thought to be a brilliant idea, set to work on it only to realise the limitations were many and opportunities slim. All was not lost on the two as spawning from this research came a vision of a simple solution to the failings of TV advertising. Unaware of it at the time, AdiMade was born.

Fast forward to today and we are now in the final stages of testing our new site (thanks to the Smine Design crew) and hope to launch by the end of the year (in beta of course).

"So what is the AdiMade blog?" I hear you asking. It's a peak behind the curtain of a small internet startup. We will be using this space to track our progress, write about what we are doing and generally throw open the doors of our little business and let people see (and comment on of course) what we are up to.

So if you've started an online business, thinking of doing so or are just interested to see what others are going though in their quest for success, you might enjoy taking a ride with us to see where it all ends up..



P.S - this page will be riddled with spelling and gramatical mistakes (look there is one already) if that bothers you I suggest you close your eyes now.

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