Sunday, January 13, 2008

Gearing up to launch..

So the site is now pretty much finished and whilst there are a few things that we would like to redo that's stuff that will need to take place in round 2 of development. Its a new year and a fresh start and all the other cliches that i cant think of just now but are certainly relevant to new beginnings.

Its a strange thing, the closer we get to opening the site up to the public the more exciting and more daunting the whole process becomes. The great thing about starting an Internet business (so I'm told) is the low cost of entry meaning that you can "try" a new business venture without having to mortgage your house to get started. This is all well and good but it still feels like we have a lot invested in this little idea of ours even if the actual cash we have laid down is relatively low.

So from here on in its going to be lots of work for the smallest of gains until the ball gets up enough steam to start rolling.



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