We had to change the voting process mid project (something Nat and I were very relucant to do but figured it was needed to make for a fair and just project) so in the next couple of days the video creators will be receiving an email from yours truley asking for their votes on what video they think should win. Interestingly we had a few entries come in with just hours to go on the project which raised an interesting question in regards to gaming the project.
If I was going to try and game this project how would I do it?
1. If i were unaware of the change in the voting system I would enter my video with a few hours to go then spend the next few hours using an IP spoofing tool to get my 50 votes all of them 5 stars. Sure its a couple of hours work but for a couple of grand it would be worth it.
Obviously we became aware of this possibility (as did a number of the other video creators that emailed me to highlight this gaping loophole in the system) and thats part of the reason for the change in voting system.
2. If I was aware of the new voting system and already had a video in the project I would upload a few last minute videos under various aliases in the hope that I would be given multiple opportunities to rank my video the highest and hopefully win the project.
I appreciate the effort that the last minute video creators put into their submissions so I will include them in the list of videos that can be voted on by the video creators BUT to ensure we have a fair competition we have decided that these last minute entries wont get a voting ballot.
Dont get me wrong, I am by no means pointing fingers here, I just want to make sure that nothing untoward takes place in the project (god knows we have had enough "learning curves" as it is).
So WELL DONE to everyone who has put in a video for the first adimade project, I will be sending an email to the video creators in the next day or so to gather up the votes and in a weeks time (hopefully sooner if everyone gets back to be quickly) someones gonna be a $2k richer.
P.S - For all the international entrants you will be happy to know that the Australian Dollar is trading up around 94c to the USD so if your in the US the prize money has actually gone up quite a bit since the start of the project.
1 comment:
The only problem that occurs with the late entries not getting a voting ballot is that they have a chance to receive more votes than anyone else. For Example.
If there are 6 entries. And 1 is a late entry. Five people would be able to vote for the 1 late entry. While any of the other videos, only 4 would be able to (because you cannot rank yourself). The only way this could be fixed is by averaging the total scores received by the number of votes cast.
That said, there are going to be issues anyway the voting is done. I think you guys have done your best to handle things teh right way. Thanks for the opportunity.
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