Tuesday, March 25, 2008

And the winner of the Anything-aide project is....

Well I know you're all anxious to know the results of Adimade's Anything-aide project so I wont drag this out for too long..

The Anything-aide project has been Adimade's first foray into the world of User Generated Advertising and we want to thank everyone for putting together some great videos. As you're no doubt aware this project didn't go as smoothly as we would have hoped but never the less it has been an invaluable learning experience and we are hard at work putting in place measures to make our next project much more video creator friendly.

So after counting up all the votes I am pleased to announce the winner as voted by their fellow video creators is....(drum roll please)

Ballsarade entered by wildcuts!

To view the video go here.

So congratulations to wildcuts for his work on the video, an early entry that has weathered the storm and come out the clear winner as voted by the other entrants (round of applause). Wildcuts walks away with a cool $2000 and the knowledge that his piers voted his video the best of the bunch.

To everyone else we want to say a big thank you for the great work, you all did a super job and we really appreciated you supporting something that hopefully will one day be a viable way for budding film makers to fund their film making ventures.

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